6 Tips for Combatting Stress at Work

By May 9, 2017November 3rd, 2020tips
combatting stress at work

Stress in the workplace can not only put an individuals blood pressure at risk, it can impact overall wellbeing, leading to a drastic decrease in motivation and productivity in the workplace. We want to give you some tips on how to combat stress at work.

Did you know that in 2015/16 stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health cases and 45% of all working days lost due to ill health.

High work-load and time constraints can both be factors of stress, yet there are many more.

Dealing with customers, job insecurity, financial problems, family issues and even colleagues can all be contributors, as well as dangerous working conditions and micromanagement.
Researchers believe that the high stress levels caused by these factors can increase the likelihood of smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism and overeating, all of which can lead to cancer.

If it isn’t possible to remove sources of stress, employees should learn how to properly manage it.

Here are some areas to be focused on:

  1. Eat healthily

    Food choices can make a big difference to mental and physical wellbeing. Avoid overconsumption of sugar, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, and up vegetable intake to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

  2. Build better relationships

    Building strong relationships with coworkers can dramatically improve your experience at work. Improving overall communication can help with managing everyone’s expectations as well as open up the opportunity to ask for help with tasks and delegate accordingly.

  3. Nurture a more relaxed culture at work

    Often, employees will mirror the attitudes and mindsets of managers and directors. If these two groups can learn to manage their stress themselves, they can effectively nurture a more relaxed culture and other employees will likely feel more at-ease too.

  4. Prioritise and use lists

    One big cause of stress is having a lot on your plate at one time. Employees can learn to manage this by prioritising and having a checklist of tasks they need to complete. As well as this, employees should be encouraged to stick to one task at a time if possible, as splitting your focus across multiple tasks is not the most productive way to work. We recommend the mobile app Trello for prioritising, as employees can rearrange their tasks with the swipe of a finger.

  5. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep

    Sleep deprivation often causes small problems to appear much bigger than they actually are. It also makes it harder to get up in the morning, which isn’t much fun at all.
    Do yourself a favour and ensure you’re getting enough sleep to allow your body and mind to fully recharge, most adults require about 7 hours good quality sleep a night.

  6. Stay physically fit

    If you’re not regularly exercising, you’re doing yourself a massive disservice. We’re not going to bore you with a science lesson, so we’ll keep it brief; exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel good when you physically exert yourself. These neurotransmitters also help relieve stress and regulate mood. Get onto that treadmill!

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