How your employees can save money on their Christmas shopping!

By November 2, 2021employee benefits
How your employees can save money on their Christmas shopping!

Year round, we all like to see our money work harder and go further. But it can easily spiral and become stressful at Christmas, with the average Brit spending £476 on average on gifts alone. It’s hard to predict what the spending trends will be for this year, but in 2020, 49% of people planned to spend less on their Christmas shopping.

Christmas shopping statistics

While the rise of Black Friday (although let’s face it, it has taken over much of October AND November now!) in recent years has helped us swag a few good bargains, we’re always on the hunt for deals. And even more so, when you consider that many start their Christmas shopping as early as September!

So, let’s see how PerkPal can help spread the cost!

1. Our discounts

Companies using PerkPal have access to discounts at  over 2,500 top high street retailers! These range from the big department stores and supermarkets to fashion and beauty, and even experiential brands, like zoos, aquariums, and theme parks.

Plus, with up to 50% off your favourite restaurants, you can make savings on celebrations with family, friends, and colleagues in the run up too.

2. Take advantage of our free services

National Debt Advice reported some sombre findings around money management and Christmas:

  • Over a third of UK people borrow money to pay for gifts
  • 1 in 5 use some form of credit to pay for festive food
  • 1 in 20 will miss out on paying bills they cannot afford, which racks up around £2.3 million in late payment charges

And with as many as 83% of UK adults in some kind of debt, to be fair, it doesn’t only happen at Christmas. So, how can we as employers help shoulder the problem? And how can we guide our employees into managing and reducing their debts without making them feel awkward?

UK debt and financial anxiety stats
The impact of debt on daily life

For this very reason, all our customers have access to our free money advice, debt management services and EAP tools. Rather than cornering every member of staff, use our in-built communications tools.

By explaining what’s available, how to get access and making it clear that these services are confidential, you could be throwing a vital lifeline. For example, many people don’t fully understand what employee assistance programmes (EAP) are and what they can be used for. And yet they are an excellent resource for just about anyone and everyone in times of hardship.

3. How? Use our communications tools!

When we developed our digital platform, one of the key elements we understood to be a barrier to employee engagement was awareness. And the easiest way to boost that, is through an effective communications strategy.

PerkPal accounts come with a number of tools allowing you to communicate and interact with your teams. From sending email updates about what’s available, what’s new and other important updates, to quick feedback surveys.

We recommend monthly newsletters to update your staff about what’s available in their benefits portal. From spotlights on discounts with brands, seasonal services like vouchers for flu jabs, to building awareness of tools that may feel more personal, like debt management and financial education.


There you have it. Our holistic approach to helping your employees save money and manage their finances as silly season is underway! Striking the balance between sharing discounts on our favourite brands, with education about money management can feel daunting, but it need not be.

Book a demo today

Book a demo of our platform, chocked full of employee discounts, freebies and benefits, and find out how we could help your staff make fantastic year-round savings.

C: 0800 652 4745